Hot Cross Bun Bliss Balls

As a coeliac I miss hot cross buns, last year I attempted to make them gluten free and they just aren’t the same. Not as fluffy and light. This year instead of disappointing myself again I thought I would just transfer that hot cross bun flavour into something else. Enter: Hot Cross Bun Bliss Balls. Next year I will work on the presentation skills!!

These are healthy, super easy and high fibre snack to hit that festive Easter spot. Recipe makes 9-10 balls depending on size.

Hot Cross Bliss Balls


  • 1 heaped cup raw cashews

  • 1/2 cup oats (quick or traditional will work)

  • 7 medjool dates

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 2 tsp mixed spice

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • juice of 1/2 an orange

  • optional extras: mixed peel or currants

  • For chocolate crosses: dark chocolate or 2 tbsp cacao powder and 2 tsp coconut oil


  1. In food processor place all ingredients except the optional extras if using. Process for 2-3 minutes or until mixture comes together in a ball.

  2. If adding mixed peel and currants add now and blitz for just a few seconds until mixed through but not blended in.

  3. Roll into balls and place into the refrigerator or freezer to cool.

  4. Meanwhile make chocolate for the crosses by melting the dark chocolate or combining melted coconut oil with cacao powder.

  5. Drizzle chocolate on the top of balls in the shape of a cross. Hopefully your hand-eye coordination skills are better than mine here and they somewhat resemble a cross.

  6. Store in an airtight container in the fridge.

ENOY! xx

I’d love to see your creations so don’t forget to upload a picture to your instagram or stories of your Hot Cross Bliss Balls and tag me @marikaday so I can share you image!!

RecipesMarika DayComment